Cyber Security Standards

A high level description with references

Andre Camillo, CISSP
5 min readJan 6, 2022
Following (architecture) best practices?

Note: First off, this is intrinsically connected to Information Security Management System Compliance, a topic I discussed before, here.

Note 2: Standards’ Organizations Name/Acronyms meanings:

ISO (which is NOT an acronym) means, in english: “International Organization for Standardization”

[fun fact: ISO is derived from the Greek word isos (ίσος, meaning “equal”)]

IEC means “International Electrotechnical Community”.


First, what are Cybersecurity standards?

A cyber security standard defines both functional and assurance requirements within a product, system, process, or technology environment. Well-developed cyber security standards enable consistency among product developers and serve as a reliable metric for purchasing security products.

And, from itgovernanceusa:

Cybersecurity standards are collections of best practice, created by experts to protect organizations from cyber threats. Cybersecurity standards and frameworks are generally applicable to all organizations, regardless of their size, industry or sector.



Andre Camillo, CISSP

Cloud, AI and Cyber Security tech, Career, Growth Mindset. Find my Discord &more: . Architect @Crowdstrike. Opinions are mine!